A Place to Bury Strangers

Due to the amount of bands I booked this week, I was not on much of a hunt to see anything on the Friday of SXSW. I went just see some old friends from Kiladelphia who were in town. Unfortunately, I ended up getting ill and took a flight home Friday evening; but I was able to see about half my friends and film two bands: El Ps Ht Btn, who I rode down with and Brooklyn's A Place to Bury Strangers, per EPHB's suggestion. He was right. This band completely owns. Since people hate and love band to band comparisons: APTBS seems to derive from the heavier and more psychedelic elements of early Cure, My Bloody Valentine and the Jesus & Mary Chain. They love the flanger peddle, strobe lights and stage fog.

video removed.

UPDATE: Two More videos instead